Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Putting the 'Fun' in Funding...

So here we are... where we have never been before... cautiously peering over the edge of an intimidating precipice when suddenly...

It's not half as bad as I thought!

I shake my head vigorously and gasp in surprise as I notice the lies and misconceptions of the nay-sayers scattered on the ground all around me... it's crazy... impossible is a mere point of view, nothing more!

They bark and they spew. They advise and they warn. We cover their cowardice by saying: 'they meant well'.

Well heres my new philosophy: If your negative opinion does not have a working alternative attached to it, shut the hell up!

The mountain:

My movie is going to cost me 30 million Rands (about 2 million pounds).

Its a great concept, powerful script and funny as hell.

I have awesome writers on board, the best crew are all saying yes and my cast is fantastic.

Investors are smiling at me greedily.... here's the catch:

I do not want investors! I want sponsors, advertisers and media partners!

Investors mean risk. I live in South Africa. Risk + South Africa = Epic Phail!

So off I go, I find clever people to help me work out the budgets, find great marketing and branding trade strategies and go find me some money!

Annnnnd they're off. 'It cant be done'; 'It hasn't been done'; 'You are biting off more than you can chew'.... it goes on and on... small minded, slow witted cowards who do not realise that 'can't' is a pure matter of perspective.

From my pont of view, ANYTHING looks possible!

The nay-sayer lies down on his bed of mediocrity where the pillow of challenge looks like an insurmountable mountain!

I send the first email... the answer is yes.
I send the second email... the answer is yes.

It would appear that Donald Trumps' motto works perfectly!
'When preparation meets opportunity, the idiots call it luck'.

I wait for answers from the other emails... nothing.. the deafening silence of rejection threatens to overwhelm me.

Another investor calls to see how it is going. I lie to him and say it is going very well.

No replies on them emails.

Phone not ringing.

Deafening silence.

And so I keep preparing.

Refine the story.

Upgrade the details.

Approach more clever people.

Research some more.

click the Send/Receive button as if it will speed things up...

Upgrade some more, refine some more.

and the project gets bigger...and better!

and still the deafening silence...


It starts.

The emails start arriving...

And the phone starts ringing...

The deafening silence had prepared me.

I have the answers. I have the strategies. I have the vision firmly in my mind.

I will accomplish this!

And I will not use one investor!


Just watch this space!