Monday, February 22, 2010

Get ready for the Blitzkrieg!

It's time to market this baby!

One month before the South African Cinematic release of the movie and we are running around like crazy!

I have to do the last touches on the movie, make sure that March is swamped with all things Race-ist and hope like hell that someone comes to watch our film!

This morning I had the eventing team (NIMA) and Mobile/Web guys (MMS) here going over my strategy for the March blitzkrieg.

if you realize that you have to hit Cinema, TV, Mobile, Internet, Print, Radio and Events all at the same time, you will realize just how hectic your strategy has to be.

Between finishing the movie and directing the campaign I'm a bit flustered.

Luckily we have great draw cards to capitalize on:

Babes, Cars, DJ Fresh, Kurt Darren, Mark Stent, Actors that can actually act and a weirdly named movie that instigates discussion.

"The race-ist?"
"Ja, it's a movie about racing"
"ahhh, I thought it was about racism again!'
"No man, it's about racing!"


There is a method to our madness!

Sjoe, I'm nervous as hell, I hope everyone enjoys our movie.. blerrie hard work!