Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whats' it like on a film set?

I'm the stressed looking guy on the right wearing the bright wastecoat thingie with the cheap hat from Margate.

My expression about sums up the question posed in the title of this blog.

(Well.. I hope I look more focused than stressed.)

Film making is the island in the middle of the sea where discipline and creativity meet, where the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.

You have two teams around you consistently:

1) The Creatives who need to express themselves artisitically and represent their characters in a manner that will feel natural on screen.

2) The scientists who make sure the lighting and camera movement is as flawless as possible from scene to scene.

It's a case of 'hurry up and wait' as the creatives step aside for every lense or angle change. To get the shot from any angle differing from the starting point, you have to move the lighting.. and then any equipment that might be in shot.

The Art department will kill you if you have a light stand or a sandbag within the Director of Photography (DOP)'s blocking area (The area actually in shot).

When it's time for a reversal again, it's the art departments' turn to flee before the lighting department because the grips and lighting teams will kill you if your decor is in the way of their gear...

Whenever that Camera moves, the entire world moves around it.

This is an idea of the chaos behind the Camera. If we decide to look this way with the camera, all this stuff has to move.

Glamorous eh?


I hope that gives you an idea...

And herewith the result of all that chaos: