Thursday, February 25, 2010

Perks of my profession...

It's tough as hell to make a movie in South Africa, but there definitely are perks.. like getting to drive the cars we have for the movie, hanging with famous peeps and of course, moving FHM models around the set.. heh heh

Fast cars, pretty girls.. and then my favorite, mentoring youngsters who share my passion for film!

In the pic with the girls in it, you will note a young girl wearing a white, long-sleeved top with a red vest thingie over it. That is Juanita - a fireball of encouragement and wisdom who has an epic future in film making!

You get tired of the other stuff, Cars and Hotties are great eye Candy but 13 hours later on set, you are irritated and exhausted and all you want to do is go home and sleep!

Enter the excitement of the teen-ager who has found her niche.
A 'you can do eeeet' speech from her is like having Red-Bull intravenously!

It's like that with all the youngsters we have around us on set! Their passion and energy have no limit! I reckon you could climb Mount Everest with nothing but toothpicks and elastic bands with that kind of positive energy around you!

Someone commended me the other day on my passion to mentor youngsters in their skill sets. "How nice that you put up with them" was the sentiment.

Hell no!

Mentoring them is merely the small price you pay for their energy and drive! They freely give input, serve with all their hearts and expect nothing in return except your attention here and there and an opportunity to learn while they show off their developing skills! It's awesome!